Can Novus Ordo Baptisms be Trusted as Valid? by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn
The position of the position of the Roman Catholic Institute regarding Novus Ordo baptisms.
- Supplementary material: here.
On the New Ecclesiology, by Rev. Damien Dutertre
This chapter presents the changes made by Vatican II in the doctrine on the nature of the Church. This was accomplished by the introduction of an ecumenist theology of communion.
On Collegiality, by Rev. Damien Dutertre
This chapter presents the changes made by Vatican II in both the doctrine and the discipline imposed on the faithful on the subject of the collegiality of bishops, and shows that the Vatican II doctrine of collegiality is a substantial departure from Catholic doctrine on the divine constitution of the Church.
The Errors of the Recognize and Resist System, by Rev. Damien Dutertre
This article presents a series of erroneous propositions commonly defended by the theological system labeled “Recognize and Resist”. These errors are then refuted by appeal to the Church’s infallible magisterium, and by the teaching of Fathers and doctors of the Church. Some objections are then addressed, which give us the occasion to deepen further certain aspects of the Thesis.
The Little Catechism on the Thesis, by Rev. Nicolás E. Despósito
A summary of the position known as the Cassiciacum Thesis.
On the Heretical Pope, by Rev. Damien Dutertre
This article presents the discussed theological hypothesis of the heretical Pope, and proves that the theological solutions given to it do not invalidate the Thesis, but rather confirm a number of its principles.
Answers to the Objections Based on the Universal Peaceful Acceptance, by Rev. Damien Dutertre
Addressing the issue of the universal peaceful acceptance of a Roman Pontiff by the Church, and explains how the doctrine of theologians on this question can be reconciled with the analysis provided by the Thesis.
On the Canonical Crime of Heresy in Relation to the Thesis, by Rev. Damien Dutertre
Canon Law cannot be used against the Thesis by arguing the crime of heresy.
The New Doctrine of Vatican II, by Rev. Michael DeSaye
The errors of Vatican II and the false conciliar magisterium in contrast with the infallible teachings of the Church's magisterium.
On the Pastoral Nature of Vatican II, by Rev. Damien Dutertre
Answering the objection: Vatican II is not binding and can contain error because it is "merely pastoral."
On the Lack of Intention to Accept the Papacy, by Rev. Damien Dutertre
The reason for the non-papacy of "Vatican II popes" is explained.
On the Indefectibility of the Church, by Rev. Damien Dutertre
Catholic doctrine of the indefectibility of the Church.
A Refutation of the Arguments of the Clergy of St. Gertrude the Great, by Mr. Frankie Logue
Response to a recent article against the Thesis of Cassiciacum.
The Vaccine, by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn
Questions and Answers concerning the Covid19 Vaccine.
Opinionism, by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn
Is the question about the legitimacy of Vatican II 'popes' a matter of opinion?
Pope, Papacy, and the Vacant See, by Rev. Francesco Ricossa
Analysis of the current crisis of authority in the Catholic Church in the light of a text of Saint Antoninus of Florence and the thought of Bp. Guérard des Lauriers.
Ecclesiastical Materialism, by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn
A diagnose of the current situation of the Church. The material aspect of the papacy - designation - is present in the Novus Ordo; the formal - jurisdiction - is lacking.
The New Ecclesiology Vs. Catholic Doctrine, by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn
A side-by-side comparison of pre- and post-Vatican II documents, with a commentary.
Explanation of the Thesis of Bishop Guérard des Lauriers, by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn
Simple exposition of the position known as "Thesis of Cassiciacum."
The Pendulating Papacy, by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn
Since the 18th century, the Popes have oscillated between two different paths regarding the relations of the Church to the modern world.
On the New Ecclesiology, by Rev. Damien Dutertre
This chapter presents the changes made by Vatican II in the doctrine on the nature of the Church. This was accomplished by the introduction of an ecumenist theology of communion.
On Collegiality, by Rev. Damien Dutertre
This chapter presents the changes made by Vatican II in both the doctrine and the discipline imposed on the faithful on the subject of the collegiality of bishops, and shows that the Vatican II doctrine of collegiality is a substantial departure from Catholic doctrine on the divine constitution of the Church.
The Errors of the Recognize and Resist System, by Rev. Damien Dutertre
This article presents a series of erroneous propositions commonly defended by the theological system labeled “Recognize and Resist”. These errors are then refuted by appeal to the Church’s infallible magisterium, and by the teaching of Fathers and doctors of the Church. Some objections are then addressed, which give us the occasion to deepen further certain aspects of the Thesis.
The Little Catechism on the Thesis, by Rev. Nicolás E. Despósito
A summary of the position known as the Cassiciacum Thesis.
On the Heretical Pope, by Rev. Damien Dutertre
This article presents the discussed theological hypothesis of the heretical Pope, and proves that the theological solutions given to it do not invalidate the Thesis, but rather confirm a number of its principles.
Answers to the Objections Based on the Universal Peaceful Acceptance, by Rev. Damien Dutertre
Addressing the issue of the universal peaceful acceptance of a Roman Pontiff by the Church, and explains how the doctrine of theologians on this question can be reconciled with the analysis provided by the Thesis.
On the Canonical Crime of Heresy in Relation to the Thesis, by Rev. Damien Dutertre
Canon Law cannot be used against the Thesis by arguing the crime of heresy.
The New Doctrine of Vatican II, by Rev. Michael DeSaye
The errors of Vatican II and the false conciliar magisterium in contrast with the infallible teachings of the Church's magisterium.
Is the Sedevacantist Apostolate Legitimate? by Rev. Nicolás E. Despósito
How is the missio Ecclesiae being carried out today?
On the Pastoral Nature of Vatican II, by Rev. Damien Dutertre
Answering the objection: Vatican II is not binding and can contain error because it is "merely pastoral."
On the Lack of Intention to Accept the Papacy, by Rev. Damien Dutertre
The reason for the non-papacy of "Vatican II popes" is explained.
On the Indefectibility of the Church, by Rev. Damien Dutertre
Catholic doctrine of the indefectibility of the Church.
A Refutation of the Arguments of the Clergy of St. Gertrude the Great Church, by Mr. Frankie Logue
Response to a recent article against the Thesis of Cassiciacum.
The Vaccine, by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn
Questions and Answers concerning the Covid19 Vaccine.
Bishop Williamson Response, by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn
Answer to objections against Sedevacantism.
Should I Assist at a Una Cum Mass? by Rev. Anthony Cekada
A short resumé of the article "The Grain of Incense."
The Grain of Incense: Sedevacantists and Una Cum Masses, by Rev. Anthony Cekada
Should we assist at traditional Masses offered "together with Thy servant Benedict, our Pope"? (1) The linguistic and theological meanings for the prayer for the pope in the Canon. (2) How you actively participate in that prayer. (3) Why it is wrong for you to do so. A major study, based on liturgical commentaries, moral theology, canon law, Vatican decrees, and papal pronouncements.
On the New Ecclesiology, by Rev. Damien Dutertre
This chapter presents the changes made by Vatican II in the doctrine on the nature of the Church. This was accomplished by the introduction of an ecumenist theology of communion.
On Collegiality, by Rev. Damien Dutertre
This chapter presents the changes made by Vatican II in both the doctrine and the discipline imposed on the faithful on the subject of the collegiality of bishops, and shows that the Vatican II doctrine of collegiality is a substantial departure from Catholic doctrine on the divine constitution of the Church.
The Little Catechism on the Thesis, by Rev. Nicolás E. Despósito
A summary of the position known as the Cassiciacum Thesis.
The Errors of the Recognize and Resist System, by Rev. Damien Dutertre
This article presents a series of erroneous propositions commonly defended by the theological system labeled “Recognize and Resist”. These errors are then refuted by appeal to the Church’s infallible magisterium, and by the teaching of Fathers and doctors of the Church. Some objections are then addressed, which give us the occasion to deepen further certain aspects of the Thesis.
On the Heretical Pope, by Rev. Damien Dutertre
This article presents the discussed theological hypothesis of the heretical Pope, and proves that the theological solutions given to it do not invalidate the Thesis, but rather confirm a number of its principles.
Answers to the Objections Based on the Universal Peaceful Acceptance, by Rev. Damien Dutertre
Addressing the issue of the universal peaceful acceptance of a Roman Pontiff by the Church, and explains how the doctrine of theologians on this question can be reconciled with the analysis provided by the Thesis.
On the Canonical Crime of Heresy in Relation to the Thesis, by Rev. Damien Dutertre
Canon Law cannot be used against the Thesis by arguing the crime of heresy.
On the Pastoral Nature of Vatican II, by Rev. Damien Dutertre
On the Lack of Intention to Accept the Papacy, by Rev. Damien Dutertre
On the Indefectibility of the Church, by Rev. Damien Dutertre
De Papatu Materiali - Pars Prima, by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn
De Papatu Materiali - Pars Secunda, by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn
On Being a Pope Materially, by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn
Can Novus Ordo Baptisms be Trusted as Valid? by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn
- Supplementary material: here.
Absolutely Null & Utterly Void, by Rev. Anthony Cekada
Still Null & Still Void, by Rev. Anthony Cekada
Untrained and Un-Tridentine: Holy Orders and the Canonically Unfit, by Rev. Anthony Cekada

Modernism Resurrected: Benedict XVI on the Resurrection, by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn
A Tuxedo for Frankenstein, by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn
The Pius XII Reforms: More on the Legal Issue, by Rev. Anthony Cekada
Combined Articles: Anti-Feeneyite Catechism & Baptism of Desire.
Baptism of Desire: An Exchange, by Rev. Anthony Cekada
Was Fr. Feeney's Excommunication Doubtful? by Rev. Anthony Cekada